Sunday, June 28, 2009

Less is more? Or more is just enough?

The committee meeting went well.... though I am having to come to terms with just how much of an overachiever I am. After my advisor telling me repeatedly over the last two years that I'm trying to do too much, I cut huge chunks out of my proposal. Then the committee collectively told me to cut what was left in half. Oops? I think it'll be better they way they're telling me to do it, but it means getting rid of my fieldwork (vs. captive studies) and the modeling aspect that I had wanted to do to conceptually tie the whole thing together. Rats. Now I'm really going to have to force myself to sit down and go through it and decide what I really, really want out of it.

Final word: the potential new labmate has been accepted into the program, and the letter is on it's way. Now we just wait to hear from J. I hope she accepts. I really liked meeting with her when she came to visit.

Work for this week: Monday is advisor's project, Tuesday is getting my data analysis straightened out (I've managed to confuse the heck out of myself, AGAIN), Wednesday and Thursday are classwork (Statistics starts Wednesday, oh joy), and Friday is thesis work. That's the plan, anyway. I need to actually start forcing myself to really work again. Ever since we got back in April, I've been sort of half on/half off and it just isn't enough.

Anyhow - the roommate is away for the weekend, so I'm going to scrub the kitchen and gather all of my crap into my room while he's gone. Then head into the office and get ahead a bit on the advisor's project. Whee?


  1. At any rate, I liked some of the vadlo bioscience cartoons!

  2. I'm not sure if this is spam... but the cartoons were good. Thanks!
