Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wait, what happened to February?

I am astonished that it's March already. I haven't accomplished nearly as much as I feel like I should have (though I've done a fair amount and jumped at least one major hurdle), and I can't remember what happened through most of February (which is why I'm meeting with Advisor tomorrow - I feel like my brain shut off on the 4th and I need a kick-start to get it going again. eep!)

To follow up from last time:
point 2: YES. This will happen. I'll be gone for 10 days, which works perfectly - just enough of a time crunch to motivate me but not enough to really interfere with classes, and a lovely short break from the bench. Awesome.

point 3: We will also NOT extend an offer to the second prospective student we interviewed. Note to applicants: please have an idea of what you'd like to work on, and have some questions for the current grad students. Sitting and staring at each other for 30 minutes is not really a great way to impress us.

I'm starting to panic about conference stuff and thesis stuff... but I can discuss that in my meeting tomorrow, and spring break is next week (!!!), so I should have some time to deal with it.

I'm getting impatient about the two applications for things that I have out... my NSF DDIG app, which I don't expect to hear from for at least a couple more months, is driving me nuts. The other one is minor and as Advisor is on the review panel, I can probably dig up hints. Hmmmm.

December of this year will bring this. I can't wait.

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