Sunday, March 14, 2010

So, that spring break thing...

You know how I said I was going to get work done last week (and you were all secretly laughing and saying "yeah, sure...")? You were right. I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted to/ should have. Rats. Now I have to do extra this week, along with classes, and meetings, and field-prep.

I've gotten used to it being light outside when my alarm goes off in the morning, and it was great, because it made it that much easier to crawl out of my nice warm bed. But when I woke up today, it was dark. Thanks, daylight savings time. (on a related note, happy Pi day!)

Also, the undergrads are back and mobbing the grocery store. Which I should have expected, but was still shocked by when I went to buy things to make scalloped potatoes with today. I'm trying out my grandmother's recipe for the first time, so this should be interesting. Do any of you know if potatoes freeze well? I'm essentially making these to use up a bag of potatoes before my fieldwork, and I'd like to freeze about half the pan for the week between my trip and my conference, but I've never tried to freeze potatoes. Hmm.

Still impatient about my DDIG application, but I was accepted to the other thing I applied for. Excellent.

Alright. On to cooking and back to finishing up homework I should have done last week. :)

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