Monday, February 22, 2010

I have no witty title today

It is snowing. Again. Please, please, please.... can we just go one week with no new snow? Please? (I've almost decided that if and when I get to choose where I live & work, there will be zero possibility of snow, and it will be glorious.)

I've been meaning to update for a while and just haven't gotten around to it. So here we go, in list form.

1. A fairly major person in my field, Dr. Ronald Schusterman, died recently. I don't know much of his work, but his lab focused on some really interesting stuff, and I know my advisor is close to at least one of his students. I'm disappointed that I never got to meet him.

2. There is a possibility that I will go on some field work in the next couple of months. YES. I need this. I need to get out of the lab and to see some of the people that I've worked with the last couple of years. (I also need the time crunch that will get me motivated to finish my analyses for my conference in April, but we won't talk about that...)

3. Advisor has told me that our lab will "make an offer" for one of the students we interviewed. Kind of makes it sound like we're buying a car, rather than hiring someone, though I suppose that's how it's done. Should be interesting.... when she interviewed, she mentioned that another school was going to take her whale-watching during her visit. I still haven't decided if that's a point in our favor (the other lab doesn't study whales), or not. Hmm.

4. It turns out that my cooking repertoire is somewhat limited. Pasta, while lovely, gets very old, very fast. Do any of you have favorite recipes I can try out? I'm a decent cook, so if you have something you really like (that hopefully involves minimal pasta!), tell me!

And there you have it, my life in bullet points. Or numbers, I suppose.

Let's hope for warm and sunny weather this week!


  1. I've been trying to expand my recipe repertoire too! So far I've made... zucchini enchiladas, avocado enchiladas, jicama and radish salad with fresh pita bread, veggie risotto (its a rice, not pasta..)? tomato, curry carrot soup with wasabi, crepes, and provolone calzone (with homemade dough).

    Shoot me an email if you want a recipe or two...

  2. yes. f snow.
    http// <- for a kickass turkey chili

  3. Thanks for the suggestions, guys!

    Eugenie - some of those sound fantastic - I will shoot you an email in the next couple of days.

    John - sounds tasty! my department is doing a chili cookoff next month - maybe I'll try this! :)
