Monday, August 23, 2010

Thoughts from the first day of classes:

1) "Hey you kids, get off my lawn [campus]" is not appropriate. Yet. Or possibly ever, but at least until I'm out of grad school. I remember being an undergrad, but I swear I wasn't nearly as annoying as they are here. Maybe it's a different school thing. Or probably I'm just starting to feel old.

2) Dear undergrads, please note that your phones are NOT surgically attached to your fingers. Put them away, walk to where you are going, and THEN text or call or whatever you need to do. Just don't do it while walking. You tend to bump into things like trees, or signs, or cranky grad students. Also, the stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to text? Yeah, that's gotta go.

3) PROGRESS! Made contact with another research site today, and they seem much more enthusiastic/helpful/not-evil than my other site. Lovely.

4) Had lunch with Advisor today while she is between trips, which was nice. Got caught up on personal gossip and some research things. She made contact with some potential collaborators for me while she was on her last trip, so I'll be following up on that this week. Also? New data. YES.

Am also feeling much better... antibiotics are wonderful things. So, overall, a good day. :)

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