Monday, October 5, 2009

October? What?

I finished my poster today. Despite the weeks of panicking over doing one certain analysis (which it turns out I didn't do or even need to do for this poster) and procrastinating to the best of my extensive abilities, it's done. All I have to do is get it printed tomorrow or Wednesday. Hooray!

I've also been invited to another talk in December... we'll see. I might talk to Advisor about taking one of my labmates... I feel like I'm being favored and as much as I like it, it isn't fair to let my labmate wallow in misery while I go jetting off to all sorts of places she'd like to be. Though she may shun this one because it's funded by people she doesn't particularly care for. We'll see.

Classes are going better than I have any right to expect them to, but my apartment has taken the hit for that. I'm behind on all of my chores and trying to get ready to leave for a week on Friday. hoo, boy. This is also not helped by my forementioned Procrastination Skills (yes, they are good enough to deserve capital letters. Maybe that's a bad thing...)

In science news... yeah, I've got nothing. Sorry 'bout that. How about this: the biennial conference of the Society for Marine Mammology meets next week in Quebec City, Canada. If you want to see the biggest and best collection of Action Nerds (Moore, C. 2003. Fluke; or, I know why the winged whale sings) on the planet, be there!

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