Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New semester: day 3

The undergrads are back on campus. Have been for a few days, actually, but I tried to avoid noticing until I absolutely had to. It's not bad, just....different. Much more active and fast paced than this summer was.

I hadn't actually intended to take classes this fall, but I ended up signing up for a few last week. I may still have to drop one or two if I end up going on fieldwork with Advisor, but that's still tbd. One of my courses is an upper level undergrad class, and I spoke to the professor about leaving for 3 weeks in the middle of the semester, and he was very understanding - nice to know that some people actually think about these things. :)

Lab stuff is going well... Advisor has projects and labmate K. and new labmate J. to entertain her for a week or so while I frantically try to get my projects in order. Though, braindead as I am I left an essential piece of paper at work yesterday and can't be productive from home this morning as I planned. (Dentist appointments or anything else off campus in the middle of the morning throw off everything. ugh.)

My apartment is almost decorated... I have two or three pictures left to hang, and my new kitchen floor is getting put in on Monday.

No science news today...more political. Senator Edward Kennedy died last night or this morning. I know he had all sorts of admirable views and got important laws passed, but all I can think of is his stance and influence in the Cape Wind Farm issue off Cape Cod. I don't know if I'd support the wind farm myself, as I haven't had a chance to read all of the reports, but Kennedy's NIMBY stance on it grates on my nerves.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

So. First post from my new apartment. Whoo! I'm essentially done moving out of the other place, just have to hand in keys and parking passes tomorrow morning. Why is it that every roommate that I've ever lived with has left me to clean up their mess? With the possible exception of Caitlin, who at least cleaned her area in the house we had senior year, I've apparently lived with complete slobs. I'm left wondering whether the latest one actually didn't know how to clean, or maliciously left me with his mess. But - now, whenever there is a mess I have to clean, at least it is MY mess. :)

In science news, this article struck very close to my heart. Ocean acidification is a big issue related to the increase in CO2 in our atmosphere, that no one really seems to be worried about. It will impact every species in the ocean that a) uses CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) for shells (i.e. all shellfish & pteropods, corals, etc) or b) has systems that equalize body PH with the ocean. The fisheries and food webs that depend on these organisms are at risk, as well. Something to keep in mind when you consider climate change. It doesn't just affect humans.

Work progress: Let's not talk about this. Next deadline: Friday.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Free time? What's that?

Busy busy busy. As usual, but this week it's extra busy. My stats class is ending, my lease is ending, and August (my month to get work done...) is rapidly running out.

So. Progress summary. Advisor's project - coming along. Slowly, but coming. Having it done by Aug. 31 - doable.

My analysis for meeting in Oct - stalled. Progress - nil. Chance of having it done by Aug. 31 - zero. Crapola.

Stats class/hw/project/exam - will be done by Wednesday. I don't really have a choice on this, but it's doable anyway.

Moving/cleaning - just getting started. Shouldn't be too awfully difficult, as I have a friend coming out to help next weekend. Though the requirement from the mattress people that I stay home all next Saturday is causing all sorts of problems in my plans. The fact that furniture (even in a box!) is too heavy for me to lift by myself is also not helpful.

Thesis/fellowship/school red-tape - progressing nicely. Will hopefully have something to show for all of this by Tuesday.

Right. Back to fighting with Stats hw for an hour or so, then on to moving. and then to work for more Advisor's project.